Friday 27 September 2013

Commentary: GOP Must Let President Obama Be the Bully

Ahead of a likely U.S. House vote on a government funding bill, Yahoo asked conservative and Republican voters whether they'd prefer their representatives vote to fund the government or gut the Affordable Care Act. Here's one voter's perspective.

COMMENTARY | It's a conundrum, this business of being opposed to both Obamacare and to shutting down the government.

I agree with the majority of uninsured Americans recently polled who are confused by -- and/or who disapprove of -- Obamacare. However, the threat of a partial government shutdown tied to the GOP-backed bill to defund the health care act is not the answer.

While I admire and even support the stance and tenacity of Sen. Ted Cruz on some national issues, his "showdown at the O.K. Corral" approach to gutting Obamacare or else -- designed to appeal to his constituents -- highlights his naivety and lack of bi-partisan effort.

In August, Sen. Cruz stated that the 1995-1996 two-phase government shutdown was "good for the GOP." Not true. If anything, that fiasco fueled the re-election of Bill Clinton. It led to public scolding of Republicans by Clinton during his 1996 State of the Union Address: "Never, ever shut the federal government down again."

Clinton's gibe followed his recognition of Social Security Administration worker Richard Dean, a survivor of the Oklahoma City bombing who also rescued three people. Mr. Dean was forced out of his office during the first government shutdown, and he worked without pay during the second one.

The Republican Party doesn't need more spin depicting its members as a "bunch of bullies" who won't cooperate with President Obama and his lockstep Democrat followers. There is no need for Republicans to force a showdown over this debacle.

In spite of a Gallup poll conducted in July indicating a majority of Americans disapprove of Obamacare, President Obama promised on Thursday that he will veto any legislation that defunds Obamacare. I believe him. Let him assume the role of "bully" by insisting that it's his way or the highway.

The implementation and enforcement of the Affordable Care Act is far from over. Watch for the latest count of Obamacare cases brought before our courts.

I stand with my congressman, Dr. Dan Benishek, who stated on Thursday that Congress needs to work together and not shut down the government. Rep. Benishek supports getting rid of Obamacare and replacing it with "patient-centered reforms."

I call for our Democrat representatives and senators to "man/woman up" and join Republicans by listening to Americans. Dismantle Obamacare, seek solutions that meet with the understanding and approval of We, the people, and remember that you work for us; not for President Obama.

Susan Durham lives in Baraga, Mich.

View the original article here

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